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  • Any medical treatment or test that the Insured Individual has planned or expected to undergo; 
  • Any treatment or surgical procedure for Congenital Anomalies; 
  • Any treatment and complications related to Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and HIV-related diseases or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS); 
  • Any claim caused directly or indirectly by the use of alcohol or prohibited drugs, and any drug or medicine not prescribed by a Physician; 
  • Any intentionally self-inflicted injuries, suicide or any attempt thereat, while sane or insane; 
  • Any treatment of mental and nervous disorders, including but not limited to insanity; 
  • Long-term rehabilitation and psychiatric care; 
  • Any treatment for obesity, weight reduction or weight improvement; 
  • Any experimental procedures or procedures that are not accepted as standard medical procedures including but not limited to chiropractic, acupuncture, herbal medicine, alternative medicine and other similar procedure or treatment; 
  • Cosmetic or plastic surgery, any dental work, treatment or surgery, eye or ear examination, except to the extent that any of them is necessary for the repair or alleviation of damage to the Insured Individual caused solely by Accident; 
  • Any claim relating to: 
    1. Auto racing and any form of racing other than on foot; 
    2. Bungee jumping, contact sports, motorcycling, parasailing, polo playing, skydiving, hang gliding, parachuting, paragliding or gliding, flying other than as a fare-paying passenger on a duly licensed commercial aircraft, rock or mountain climbing, non-recreational diving or sport diving, scuba diving, or any other hazardous activity; 
    3. Participation in any professional dangerous sports, competition and preparatory or training; 
    4. Participation in competition or tournaments organized by sporting federations or similar organizations; 
    5. Damage caused by engaging in dangerous sports including but not limited to mountaineering, underwater activities or shooting; 
  • Any violation or attempted violation of the law or resistance to arrest by the Insured Individual; 
  • Murder, assault, brawl or any attempt threat, unless these are not have been provoked by the Insured Individual and not have happened while the Insured Individual is a) engaging in political activities, or b) performing investigative, security or political function, or c) holding any elective governmental position; 
  • Losses incurred while performing his duties as a member of the Armed Forces, or Police Force, including those of escort and security services rendered in whatever capacity or form; 
  • Poison, gas or fumes voluntarily taken, or any nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination, and chemical or biological contamination. For the purposes of this exclusion, “contamination” means the contamination or poisoning of people by nuclear and/or chemical and/or biological substances which cause illness and/or disablement and/or death; 
  • War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, mutiny, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, civil commotion assuming the proportion of or amounting to a popular uprising. This exclusion shall not be affected by any endorsement which does not specifically refer to it in whole or in part; and 
  • Any Act of Terrorism or any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing, or in any way relating to, any act of terrorism. For the purpose of this exclusion, an “Act of Terrorism” means an act, including but not limited to, the use of force or violence, atomic/ biological/ chemical weapons, weapons of mass destruction, disruption or subversion of communication and information systems infrastructure and/or the contents thereof, sabotage or any other means to cause or intended to cause harm of whatever nature and/or the threat of any of the aforementioned acts, of any person or group(s), whether acting alone or in behalf of or in connection with any organization(s) or government(s), committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public.